Facile à donner
La carte-cadeau électronique peut être envoyée en quelques clics. Aussi simple que cela, livraison la plus rapide possible.
Aucune limite de montant
Vous pouvez choisir n'importe quel montant que vous souhaitez, et il sera appliqué à la carte-cadeau. Très flexible.
Mignon et personnalisé
Il est également possible d'écrire un message personnalisé : agréable, amusant, exactement comme vous le souhaitez.
Carte-cadeau électronique
En cas de doute sur quoi acheter comme cadeau, c’est la meilleure option. Nos cartes-cadeaux n’ont pas de date d’expiration et peuvent être utilisées pour payer tous les services dans notre studio de beauté ou dans notre boutique de cosmétiques. Le montant est flexible et vous pouvez personnaliser votre carte-cadeau avec un message.
Carte-cadeau physique
En cas de doute sur le choix d’un cadeau, c’est la meilleure option. Nos cartes-cadeaux n’ont pas de date d’expiration et peuvent être utilisées pour régler tous les services dans notre studio de beauté ou dans notre boutique de cosmétiques. Le montant est flexible et vous pouvez personnaliser votre carte-cadeau avec un message.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers on frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer, feel free to contact us via email or phone.
When in doubt what to buy as a gift, this is the best option. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop. Amount is flexible and you can personalize your gift card with a message.
When in doubt what to buy as a gift, this is the best option. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop. Amount is flexible and you can personalize your gift card with a message. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop.
When in doubt what to buy as a gift, this is the best option. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop. Amount is flexible and you can personalize your gift card with a message.
When in doubt what to buy as a gift, this is the best option. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop. Amount is flexible and you can personalize your gift card with a message. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop.
When in doubt what to buy as a gift, this is the best option. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop. Amount is flexible and you can personalize your gift card with a message.
When in doubt what to buy as a gift, this is the best option. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop. Amount is flexible and you can personalize your gift card with a message. Our gift cards have no expiration date and can be used to pay for all the services in our beauty studio or in our cosmetic shop.